


Mental Health Recovery, Mental Health Assistance, Mental Health Services, Substance-Related Disorders


Recovery is presented as a de-pathologizing practice because it does not focus on the illness and its symptoms. It promotes the protagonism of individuals experiencing psychological distress in the care processes, as they become actively involved through mutual support groups and peer support. Support tools have been developed for users to sustain self-care processes and peer support. One of the most widely disseminated tools is the WRAP (Wellness Recovery Action Plan), which is undergoing cultural adaptation in Brazil. It involves the creation of plans that help the person develop responses to everyday challenges, in order to promote well-being. Recovery and WRAP, when applied to individuals with problematic alcohol and other drug use (AD), represent an expanded clinical approach, as they focus on the individual rather than drug use. Their goal is the (re)discovery of autonomy, self-management, and improvement in quality of life without necessarily imposing a goal of "cure," abstinence, or "recovery" in its traditional meaning. The aim is to discuss possibilities for applying the principles of Recovery and the WRAP Program as de-pathologizing actions to assist the necessary transformations in the field of mental health care, particularly in the AD field. Recovery and WRAP, being tools that directly align with the principles of Psychosocial Care and the Unified Health System, as well as with Harm Reduction, promote mental health among users, strengthening their processes of citizenship.                                                    


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Author Biographies

Tânia Maris Grigolo, Núcleo de Pesquisas em Clínica da Atenção Psicossocial (PSICLIN-UFSC)

PhD in Clinical Psychology and Culture from the University of Brasília (UnB), Master in Political Sociology (UFSC) in the area of ​​Health and Society and Specialist in Collective Mental Health (UFSM). Acts as a Clinical Psychologist with the multidisciplinary teams of Family Health Support, from the Health Department of Florianópolis (SC). She is a preceptor of the Multiprofessional Residency Course in Family Health at the Florianópolis School of Public Health. He served as a professor at CESUSC Faculty, in the Psychology Course. He coordinated the Teaching and Research Group for Psychic Suffering, Recovery and Citizenship at CESUSC/Cnpq. He participates as a researcher in the Research Group "Clinic of Psychosocial Care and Use of Alcohol and Other Drugs" of Existential Phenomenological orientation, coordinated by PSICLIN/UFSC. She was Coordinator of the Psychosocial Care Center (CAPS Ponta do Coral) in Florianópolis (SC). He was part of the Technical Team for the Coordination of Mental Health, Alcohol and Other Drugs at the Ministry of Health. She has professional experience in the field of health, mental health, alcohol and other drugs and clinical psychosocial care. He works mainly on the following topics: Mental Health, Psychosocial Care Network, Psychosocial Care Clinic, Health Policies, Institutional Clinical Supervision of Psychosocial Care Centers, Organization and Evaluation of Services of the Psychosocial Care Network, Permanent Education and Research in Mental Health.

Daniela Ribeiro Schneider, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Retired Full Professor at the Department of Psychology at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), advisor in the Graduate Program in Psychology (master's and doctorate) and Professional Master's in Mental Health and Psychosocial Care. Graduated in Psychology (UFSC, 1987), Master in Education (UFSC, 1993), Doctorate in Psychology (PUC/SP, 2002), Post-Doctorate in Prevention Science (Universidad de Valencia - España, 2012 and University of Miami - USA, 2019). Research and Extension activities are focused on Psychological Treatment and Prevention, focusing on studies of problems related to the use of alcohol and other drugs, development and evaluation of strategies, programs and systems for prevention and health promotion. Studies on the Clinic and the Psychosocial Care Network. He specializes in the work of the philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre, with several studies on psychology and existentialist clinic. Coordinator of the CNPQ Research Group "Clinic of Psychosocial Care and Use of Alcohol and Other Drugs". Coordinator of PSICLIN/UFSC. Member of the GT Drugs and Society of ANPPEP. He is on the advisory and fiscal council of the Brazilian Association for Research in Prevention and Health Promotion (BRAPEP). Research Productivity Scholarship 2 by CNPQ. She coordinates the Ponto de Cultura of the Baiacu de Algo Cultural Association, which develops socio-cultural and health promotion projects in Florianópolis.


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How to Cite

da Silva Rodrigues, C. A., Grigolo, T. M., & Ribeiro Schneider, D. (2024). RECOVERY AND WRAP AS DE-PATHOLOGIZING ACTIONS IN MENTAL HEALTH, ALCOHOL, AND OTHER DRUGS. Psicologia E Saúde Em Debate, 9(2), 490–512.



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